In this game, you will be presented with a series of 11 different grids to explore. Each grid has 64 different tiles. When you click on a tile, you will receive a reward, indicated by the revealed color. Darker colors correspond to higher rewards.
Your goal is to collect as many points as possible.
Each grid will start with a single revealed tile. You will be given 25 clicks to collect as many points as possible. For each click, you can either click to explore a new tile or re-click a previously revealed tile. Both will earn the associated reward, but there may be small variations in the points when you re-click a tile.
Importantly! Points are clustered along the grid, such that areas with high-value points tend to appear close to each other and areas of low-value points tend to appear close to each other. In order to help you acquire the most points, reward Um dir ein bisschen zu helfen, sind die Kästchen zusätzlich
farbig markiert. Dunklere Farben entsprechen höheren Punktzahlen. Außerdem bekommst du noch einen wichtigen
The number of remaining clicks is shown above the grid. When they run out, you will be shown how well you performed with a rating out of 5 stars and then taken to the next grid. The better your performance, the greater your performance bonus!
If you've understood the instructions, you try it out by clicking on the grid to the left. Try to collect as many points as possible!
Only when you have corrected answered these questions, will the experiment begin
We will ask you a few questions about 10 unrevealed tiles. For each tile, please estimate how many points you think you would earn if you click it and how confident you are in this judgment. Once you have answered these questions, you will be asked to choose one of the 10 options. The experiment will the continue as normal until all 25 clicks are used up.
In this experiment, you will explore 12 different grids.
Initially, a single tile will be revealed in each grid.
When you click on a tile, you will earn points based on the color, where darker colors are higher points.
You will have 25 clicks to explore each grid.
You can always click on a new tile or reclick on a previously revealed tile. For new tiles, you won't know how many points you will earn. However, you might discover some tiles with high rewards. When you reclick a previously revealed tile, the point value might vary slightly, but will generally be the same. So it is a good idea to reclick highly rewarding tiles.
Two important tips: The color of a clicked tile indicates the number of points, where darker colors are higher points. Additionally, tiles with high points tend to be in similar locations. Similarly, tiles with low points are also near one another. Learn the spatial patterns in order to collect as many points as possible!
Please try the task now by clicking on the grid to the left! Once you've used up all 25 clicks, press the "Continue" button below.
Great job!
After this tutorial, you can earn up to 5 stars for each grid. The more points you acquire, the more stars you will earn.
Have you understood all of the instructions?
Tiles remaining: 10
How many points do you think you will earn if you click here?
How confident are you?
Which of the 10 tiles would you prefer to click on? Please click it now. Afterwards, the experiment will continue as normal.
Instructions to the experimenter: Only when the data has been saved correctly, click Ctrl + Shift + R to restart the experiment.