Consent form for participation in this online experiment
Study Information
Thank you for your interest in our study. Please read the following information carefully. Your participation in
this research is voluntary. It is your choice whether to participate or not. Please do not hesitate to write to us
at ---[dot]---[at] if you have any further questions regarding the study.
1. Purpose
In this study we investigate how humans integrate social information into decision-making processes.
2. Procedure
In the following, you will receive detailed information regarding the procedure of the study.
First, you will receive instructions on how the task works. Then we will ask you some questions to ensure you
correctly understood the task.
After that, you will get to try out the task, and finally do the task in full. Your performance in the full task
will affect your bonus payment.
The entire study will take about 30 minutes.
3. Compensation
You will receive £5.21 for your participation. You can also earn a bonus of up to £5.21 depending on your
performance in the task.
4. Data protection
Once we have awarded you your bonus payment, your Prolific ID will be deleted from the study data. The experiment
data will be stored under a randomly assigned participant number on a server at the University of Tübingen. This
means that it will become impossible to link the study data to you. All data collected during this study will be
treated confidentially and all individuals with access to your personal data are obliged to maintain data secrecy.
We are not responsible for the handling of your personal data through the Prolific platform.
The study data may also be made publicly accessible via research databases or scientific publications (typically via
the internet). This makes it possible for other researchers to check or replicate the results and enhances the
quality of scientific research. The study data may also be used for new research questions going beyond the purposes
of this particular study. The data is stored anonymously, treated confidentially, and used only for scientific
purposes. You are free to withdraw, in which case recorded data will not be used (cf. point 6).
5. Voluntary participation
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. There will be no repercussions when canceling your
6. Right to refuse or withdraw
You do not have to take part in this study if you do not wish to do so. You are free to withdraw your consent and do
not need to provide a reason for your withdrawal. Participants who drop out of the study for any reason (e.g.,
technical issues) are eligible for full or partial compensation. Please contact
[dot]witt[at] and include a screenshot of the experiment website if possible. If you
withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will not be used. If you withdraw from the
study after completing the study, but before bonus payments have been processed, you can request the deletion of
your data. After the processing of bonus payments, your Prolific ID will be removed from the study data and it will
be fully anonymized, making it not possible to link you with your data.
7. Risks
Your participation does not involve any physical or emotional risk to you. You are free to withdraw at any time.
8. Insurance coverage
Not necessary for participating in this study.
9. Responsible contact
If you have questions or if there are any problems, please contact ---.
You can also use this email to request the withdrawal of your data.
By clicking on the button below, you agree to the following:
I have read and understood the conditions outlined above. I consent to participate in the study and agree
to the collection, storage, and use of my data as described above.
In this task, you will be shown three options to choose from. Each of the options carries a true value that is unknown to you.
The number of points you receive from any one option is not necessarily its true value, but could be a little more or less between each trial.
For instance, if the left arrow option has a true value of 50, you may receive 58,55,50,49,52,45,55,51,52,48 across 10 different trials.
You can select one of these options by pressing the left, down or right arrow keys.
Select a key!
Well done! You have won 15
As you can see, the points of unchosen options are also displayed. Using this information, your goal in Phase 1 is to b>best estimate the true value of all 3 options.
At the end of Phase 1, you will be asked to enter your best guess of the true value and confidence (1-10) of your guess for all three options. Dependent on how close your guess is to the true value of each option, you will earn additional points that would contribute to your bonus payment.
Press spacebar for Phase 2 instructions.
In Phase 2, the true value of all 3 options remain the same as phase 1.
Except this time, for every choice made, no point feedback will be provided to you.
Additionally, each of these options are now associated with different probabilities of a visual and auditory “glitch”. This means that when you choose one of these images, you might encounter the glitch sometimes, but not every single time. You will have to learn which is which through trial and error.
Press spacebar for an example.
Well done! You have come to the end of the tutorial.
The total number of points earned in both Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be converted to a bonus payment that could potentially double your base payment.
Press spacebar to continue to comprehension
Please answer a few questions about this study before proceeding
You will only be able to start the study once you’ve answered all questions correctly.
Phase 1
Phase 1
Press one of the three keys to gain a reward!
Round No: 1
Remaining Trials: 20
Total Round score: 0
Phase 2
Phase 2
Phase 2
Press one of the three keys to gain a reward!
Round No: 1
Remaining Trials: 20
Phase 2
Please indicate what you think the average points for each option is
Please indicate how confident you are in your estimate from 1 to 10