
Scientists have recently discovered signals coming from deep space that seem to be an attempt to communicate with humanity. To decipher these messages, we have mapped these signals to six random letters of the english alphabet. Early analyses indicate that these signal have a grammer similar to human language. Your goal in this task is to discover the hidden pattern behind the ordering of these letters. To do so, you will try to predict the next letter in a given message step by step. At the top of the screen, you will be shown 15 empty boxes. At the bottom, you will be show the six possible letters. For each box, you can choose one of these six choices. For every correct choice, you'll be rewarded with one point. If you get it wrong, you will get no points and the correct letter will be shown.
You will recieve a set of 40 signals. The hidden pattern will remain the same for all signals. We will not tell you the pattern, but you will need to learn this from trial and error.
The total number of points will be converted to your bonus payment, which could potentially double your base payment. Do not worry if you are do poorly at the beginning. We expect that with enough practice you will be a master at alien languages!